Tech-facilitated Violence and Discrimination: Canadian Legal Responses
Date: September 10, 2018 (Monday)
Time: 1pm – 2pm
Venue: Academic Conference Room, 11/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, the University of Hong Kong
Speaker: Professor Jane Bailey (Full Professor, Common Law, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa; The eQuality Project Co-Leader)
Abstract: New ways to facilitate violence and discrimination have emerged with the exponential growth in technologically facilitated communications around the world. In some cases, such violence and discrimination can be addressed at least in part through existing legal avenues. In others, new kinds of legal responses have proven necessary. This presentation will provide an overview of Canadian legal responses – identifying places where current laws appear to be adequate and others where new approaches are needed.
About the speaker: Jane Bailey is a Full Professor of Law at the University of Ottawa where she conducts research and teaches about the intersections of law, technology and equality. She and Dr Valerie Steeves co-lead The eQuality Project, a 7-year SSHRC funded partnership of researchers, educators, advocates, civil society groups, and policymakers who are interested in examining the impact of online commercial profiling on children’s identities and social relationships. Jane leads the Project stream focused on cyberviolence and vulnerable youth. Among her proudest professional achievements are co-leading The eGirls Project (with Valerie Steeves), creating and teaching a first-year law course called Cyberfeminism and, appearing before the Supreme Court of Canada in the Jarvis voyeurism case. Jane will be a visiting professor at Hong Kong University and RMIT in Melbourne Australia in fall 2018.
All are welcome! Please register as soon as possible: